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 Today’s Legal Enlightenment (Thursday, 30 June, 2022) – “TWO DIFFERENT LAWSUITS AGAINST THE SAME OBJECT”

The object of this case is the same as the object of case No. 12/Pdt.G/1986/PN.Sbr and the arguments of the Plaintiff’s lawsuit that have been presented are in fact the same as the reasons/objections of the Application of the Review to the Supreme Court filed by the Plaintiff, in which the objections of the Review to the Supreme Court cannot be justified by the Supreme Court (Review to the Supreme Court) of case No. 12/Pdt.G/1986/PN.Sbr, so in this case the Supreme Court declared the (new) lawsuit unacceptable.

Supreme Court Decision No. 2195 K/Pdt/1998

Source: Praktik Peradilan Menangani Kasus Aset Yayasan by H.P. Panggabean.


Fredrik J. Pinakunary

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