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Today’s Legal Enlightenment (Sunday, January 16, 2022)-UNUSED TRADEMARK

In accordance with Article 61 paragraph 2 letter a of the Trademark Law, a trademark that has not been used by its owner for 3 consecutive years may be removed from the General Register of Trademarks, which has been proven in the aquo case that according to the results of the examination it is proven that the IKEA trademark for a class of goods/service number  21 and 20 registered in the name of the Defendant (Inter IKEA System BV) have not been used by the Defendant for 3 consecutive years since the trademark was registered with the Co-Defendant (Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights cq Directorate of Trademarks).

Supreme Court Decision No. 264 K/Pdt.Sus-HKI/2015

Source: Book of DR. HP Panggabean S.H., M.S.


Fredrik J. Pinakunary

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